Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Do you like the name Farah?
I'm just curious because my name's farah, which means joyful. Not farrah, which means ironsmith. And my name isn't pronounced like farrah fawcett it's like fur-ah, but not far-ah.
How much longer do you think Al Gore will be ociated with AGW?
A common tactic of a bully is to use references to a recently bullied victim as a way to threaten and ridicule others.
Is my female rottie is under-weight?
karthick here owing 8 month female rottie weight just 25-30 not an accurate weight just an approxiamate im feeding quality(Max and Pedigree these are the feed available in my home town) coming month im going to feed her ROYAL CANIN prescribed for rottie puppy) food upon my knowledge...I want to know whether its d correct weight for her age???? I feel its the under-weight for her....Rottie is my first dog and im an expert in dogs....Pls can anyone say and guide me ....Waiting for everyone's answers pls...............
What's a stern,bilge,hull,keel, when relating to ships?
stern is the back of the boat bilge is the bottom or the belly of the boat keel is the outside front v of the boat hull is the outside shell of the boat itself
Processing Equipment?
a href="http://www.google.co.in/search?rlz=1C1CHMI_enIN291IN303&aq=0&oq=cocoa+processing&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=cocoa+processing+machinery" rel="nofollow"http://www.google.co.in/search?rlz=1C1CH…/a
What do u think of these names?
For the girl I like Mya Elizabeth Burke. Mya sounds sooo exotic to me and its such a preety name. For the boy I would say Mark Leo Burke Jr.. Leo is such a cool middle name and Mark sounds strong.
Can the stress of Anatomy cl drive someone insane (literally)?
That sounds a lot like me at university here in Northern Ireland.Only thing I did right was drop out of university. I hated it. I studied hour after hour for it, I didn't fit in with the rest of the rich kids but the thing that drove me on was my big ego! I'd all those dreams of earning a lot of money, having a big house & all that nonsense, but I asked myself a question. Considering I'd still be doing something that is still making miserable, would all that material & monetary wealth make up for how I'm feeling? And the answer was no, it wouldn't. Money cannot buy you happiness or love or even contentment. I have seen it time & time again over the years since I left university. There was even a book written about such a struggle, between personal happiness & material wealth. It was called 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari'. I haven't personally read it myself but a friend tells me it's about a very rich man who gives everything money can buy up for peace & contentment & the spiritual life. There is a true saying I've also heard over the years, your health is your wealth. There is not much point having all that money & stuff if you aren't happy within yourself. Money may buy you short term fixes that give you a brief lift, but it doesn't make up for lasting happiness or contentment, which is the true goal in life.
How do I design Tron Legacy lightstripes?
I'm looking for a way or tutorial to draw stripes like the lightstripes they use on the suits and vehicles in Tron Legacy. I already tried some stuff, but for reason my stripes don't give me the thechy/sci-fi feeling I get from the movie stripes.
Tailors bunion surgery ? Is this normal?
I had surgery on my right foot yesterday morning to remove a tailors bunion and I also had a screw placed in to make my little toe grow properly. Local anestesia was used and I was told the block In my foot should wear off in 5-6 hrs. Well it's been about 24hrs and my foot is still completely numb. My vision is very blurry and ive been doing everything I'm suppose to. My foot is elevated, ice 3x a day and vicodin every 4hrs. Should I be worried or not? I'm kinda glad it's still numb because I don't want the pain to come yet but I know I should feel it by now. Btw I'm 17 and in good health.
Why are my petunias growing like this?
I think I have to just prune them, completely cut them down and start over.. but the stems are growing circular and it looks very odd. They are all in a circle and then in the middle its jsut dirt, theres not really any flowers growing in the middle. Anybody have any ideas?
Growing celery...?
Hello! I live in a semi-arid area, where the soil is red-clay and doesn't hold moisture very well. I understand that celery requires a lot of moisture... will celery grow well in this type of soil? or am I wasting water and effort?
Since the 32 Czar's don't answer to congress or the people where is the transparency?
Seems like that is the main reason BHO has so many Czars. They only report to him so it gets rid of the little transparency lie he told.
What Should We Name Our Babies?
My boyfriend and I have been together for six years. We are waiting for me to finish college before we get married and start a family, but we always talk about baby names. I like names that have to do with family names and then parents names. Also I like to think of a name that would go well with the race of our child. My name is Amber Leigh, im white. His name is Brandon Emory, he is mixed with black and white. Give us some good ideas for names for a boy and girl. We only want two kids, one of each. Thanks A Lot!!!!!
Can someone help me to get my router working for my ds?
you can keep your pokemon; i don't take other people's pokemon when i help them. Step 1: enter wifi on your ds and click "search". Your router ID should pop up, and just enter in your WEP key to access it. If not, find out what your IP address is, and access its wireless settings to turn on wifi.
Can my ex stop me from leaving town with our unborn baby?
Check with your state. Where I live it is entirely Legal and has happened to people very close to me.
Can't mop my floors clean?
I've been staying in an apartment provided to me by some family members that own it. When I moved in I noticed that the kitchen floors have been very dingy and dirty looking. I have tried to mop it up but the dirt just smears and the linoleum is textured so the dirt really sticks to it. One of the family members recently snuck into my apartment while I was away and us now claiming that I have made the floors dirty and has threatned to kick me out. I'm at a loss of what more I can do. Anyone know any tricks thatcan help?
When was Oedipus Rex alive?
In the book, around what years was he living? ANd did they have the gregorian calendar then or did they do some freaky thing with tthe Roman numerals? Also, what's a Greek food besides ambrosia and gyro and baklava that they ate back then?
Christians: 16 year old lad coming to stay. what should I do with him?
I think you should take him to mc Donald's and then buy him a new toy. Then go to the park and play a ball game etc. Have a nice childs dinner like sausages and chips. Watc a cool movie and go to bed and relax.
Can any Man United fans Please tell me ,if this is a Film?
if u read the description it says its called 'Eurotrip'.... try Amazon. also shops which sell movies in ur local store, ask at the counter if they have it or not. :).
Anybody have a suggestion for a new name for present-day American "liberals"?
Neo-lib, Pseudo-libs, Neo-commies, Neo-reds (however, with the news media trying to remove the stigma of the Red Marxists by making these states blue, maybe we should call them Neo-Blues or Blue Marxists).
Lisbon Treaty, YES OR NO ?
so what do we think about the Lisbon treaty, going to vote tomorrow, and would prefer to go in with some definite reason as to which way i'm voting.
Computer/video/windows movie maker/download help?
i created a video on windows movie maker but when i go to publish it to my cp. it shows the estimated time. it starts to download but stops in the teens. then the estimated time keeps increasing and increasing without finishing the download. it keeps rising into the 300s and up. what is going on. please help? what should i do?
What is the Absolute error of a stopwatch?
So, for example I have a time of 30.76 seconds (that is, 30 seconds and 76 milliseconds). What is the absolute uncertainty? Half the smallest unit? Half a millisecond?!
Questions about Xbox 360..?
Well the games you listed are good, and i would also add Halo 3 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and if you are in to RPGs, elder scrolls iv: oblivion is awesome. And instead of getting the 360 pro, I would get the 360 premium package, since it comes with a hard drive and a wireless controller instead of a wired one. They have fixed the red ring of death on all the new 360s, but watch out if you intend on buying from amazon or ebay. I got mine on ebay for like $205 and it works great. I would definately not sit it on its side, as I have never heard of anyone doing that, and it works fine sitting up. Hope this helps. :)
The bottom of my knee cap is hurting are these just growing pains?
Well the bottom of my knee cap is kinda hurting sometimes my mom who is a LVN said that it is growing pains I am 13, 5'3" and weigh around 125 lbs. I don't go outside but I work out in my house almost everyday (I think that I am to young to weight lift so I don't). This has been going on for about 2 or 3 months, the pain is not that bad and it is only in my left leg.
The Prophet's companions ................ A Beautiful Quote?
The people whose hobby is to slander '' Prophet (saww)_'s wifes and Sahaba '' could respect and know the teachings of islam ????
Do you get squirrely when someone else is holding your baby?
There must be something wrong with me b/c I don't share that feeling. I have no problem with others holding my kids. The only exception being other children b/c I'm scared they might drop them. I actually love watching my mother or MIL holding my babies. I enjoy watching their eyes light up over my children. It makes me feel proud :)
How do i tune my floyd rose? the strings keep touching the pickups!?
i got a schecter damnien special with floyd roses for Christmas and i went to tune it to drop c but the strings are resting on the pickups. what do i do to prevent this?
Is my current height a fluke?
This was the same way with my brother, he is gunna be a freshman playing football for the oregon ducks on the o-line. As a freshamn and sophmore he was your same height and weight, and now he is 6'4 and weighs 300 lbs barefoot. You should look for him next season if you ever watch an oregon game he is #69 and his last name is Thomas. Good luck! on getting bigger and your football career! I bet if you can keep growing and working harder, you should beable to reach the college level for sure!
My hamster's is all wet (w/out poop) does she have URI?
I bought my female, teddy-bear hamster on Saturday afternoon. She was in the car for about 2 or so hours. I put her in her cage at home and left her alone for 24hrs. Then the next night (once the 24hrs were up-- Sunday night) I took her out. She was jumpy but other than that, she was perfectly fine and docile when being handled. Then tonight (Monday night) her is all wet and it looks like she has no fur there but I think its becauase it's all wet. Is it because of stress? I plan to leave her a lone for the next few days. Any ideas what it is? If so, ways to treat it? (She is less than 5 weeks old and also, today my room was really warm because I put a heater in it. Could it be that she was just sweating?)
Is this harmless behavior from someone in a relationship already?
Who knows? Get emotional support, I guess. Both of them need to spend less time and energy flirting with and complaining to each other, and more time focusing on their own flipping marriage. Their energies are being mis-directed. It is NOT harmless, and the whole situation is erosive to both marriages.
Why do foreigners think that sledging is racism in Aussie sport?
It's only taking the mickey or having ' a go ' out of fun....unless you're an Aussie, I guess you'll never ever get it!
Good bathing suits for my body type? And just good bathing suits in general?
I'm fourteeeen, and I'm trying to lose a bit of weight before spring break (march 15th.) I'm currently 5'3 1/2 and weight 54 kilos (uh 118 lbs.) I want to get down to at least 105, but it doesn't have to be by march fifteenth. ANYWAY, i'm awfully pale, but i'll get a tan. I love pastel colors, like light pink, blue, and yellow. I love floral things. Any good bathing suit stores online that I can get a good really cute bikini no one else will have? Cheers x)
Who has been to the travers stakes in Saratoga NY? Is this better than going on a different day?
Is it better to pay more for access to the clubhouse? Can you bring a picnic lunch? Do you have any other tips?
Why is domestic abuse against men not treated with the same regard as it is towards women?
Who have you been telling about this? Clearly nobody who has any education on the subject. Talk to a school counselor or the police as this IS abuse. I would also recommend dropping any friends who told you to "suck it up" or "man up" because they are not worth your time.
Is it better to pursue a master's directly out of college or would you go straight to work?
I think that you should get your masters directly out of college. Do it while your brain is still in the academic mindset, and this way you won't have to worry about hesitating later on in life about going for your masters. Don't you think it would be better to just get it over with?
Will it be easier for me to land a job if i become a Certified Internal Auditor?
Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://sitefinance2.notlong.com/8AAu9NS
Which show shirt do you like?
Hi there, I really like the second shirt. I think it has the right amount of bling and would really complement the silver conchs on your chaps. I think an awesome color combo would consist of black and lavender/lilac. Lavender/lilac nearly suits any horse, especially bays, greys and blacks. Good luck and I hope you find one !! PS: another gorgeous combination is black and turquoise !!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Free manual toro 56125?
where can i find a free repair manual in pdf form that i can down load from the internet for a 1985 toro riding mower model 56125 sn 5003898 its a 7hp 25 inch cut, manual no. might be 3312-526
What's your opinion on the band Muse?
I love Muse! For one thing, I love how intelligent they are. Seriously, Matt Bellamy is a freaking genius. I used to laugh at people who were like "OMG, Matt Bellamy is GOD", but honestly, I'm beginning to agree. And it's mind-blowing that a tiny three-piece band can sound so majestic. And their sounds never sound too similar to me, even when critics say they can't go anywhere because they've already gone EVERYWHERE, they manage to find a new way to go. They are completely genre-defying. They play the real music for this generation, and this time period. Agh. I love them.
M.sc from delhi.....?
i have done b.sc .biotech and intrested in doing m.sc botany from delhi or ncr region...i searched a lot bt ***** get ny colg...nyone have any infrmatn abut colges .except delhi university..........plz do tell....need it urgently
Is baby arugula the same as baby spinach or lettuce?
i hope it's like eating spinach salad i bought that pkg. this morning hoping it's for like salads anyway'
Spanish transaltion- meaning of word crianza?
actually the word has couple of meanings, is the way you raise your children and is also adoptive in past tense.
Why is saffron so expensive in the United States, yet so cheap in Mexico?
The closer you get to the source of harvesting, the more inexpensive.Or it could be the grade of saffron.
What's next for Darren Young? He's been kicked out of Nexus.....?
unfortunately he will waste away and may be released, but some of nexus will be released probably because not all of them are that talented i.e David Otunga, or really talented i.e Justin Gabriel
So I am a minor and won a contest?
Yes, you already stated "and parent or legal guardian if winner is a minor". That states that the parent needs to sign for you to claim your prize! And WTG!
July, or September wedding - details included?
Seems like the September date will work much better for you and your guests. Your colours will be fine for September.
German to eng. translation?
hi there, can someone that speaks this language please translate this for me and explain what it means thanks....Liebe seit andere werden ruiniert wenn du errichten darauf der Liebe, Liebe auf den ersten Blick werden dauern immer
Is this legal or illegal for my mate to do with his car?10 points 4 best answer?
I know colored neon is only legal when the car is completely stopped and shifted into park, aside from white or yellow like the gentleman above me stated. I don't think the ticket for having neons is very high, but it would be in your friend's best interest if he didn't get them.
Is this the start of an infection?
2 weeks ago I had my gallbladder removed by keyhole surgery, my bellyon and 2 cuts on my stomach have healed but the third one doesn't seem to be healing. It keeps scabbing over slightly then bleeding again, it is now sore to touch and quite red looking and quite hot aswell. There is no sign of any puss and there is no smell, I have been keeping it clean. Is this start of an infection. I never got stitches it was closed with glue.
My husband is broke. I am a stay-at-home mom of 3 kids, ages 3, 5, &7. We can't afford our bills or rent?
We can't pay for anything. He is so verbally abusive that I want to get out, but can't since I have nowhere to go, no job, don't want to uproot the kids who are already nervous due to the constant fighting and yelling from their parents. We have to borrow money from family all the time so that now, the resources have all dried up. Everyone is struggling in this economy. My husband lost his business and for 2 months he was out of work. We are behind on everything. He is now employed, but doesn't make enough to sustain us. And we're even on Medicaid and get food stamps. Is there any hope? I am pretty spiritual and am really baffled as to why it has been so bad for our family for so long. Even when times were better we still struggled. I feel like I'm being punished for something. It hurts me to look at the children and see them lacking. I have tried to save my husband some money. I cut my own hair and all 3 of my boys' hair, too. I shop frugally and NEVER buy anything for myself, ever. Everything is need right now. We use space heaters so as to conserve the propane. I could go on and on. I went to school for dental isting, but I'd be working to pay for daycare for the 3 boys. I need help or I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.
Family problems?
i know this is mean but i can't stand my family at the moment every time i am around them i just want to be some where else they constantly fight and argue im always out or in my room is this norma?l because my friends have good relationships with their parents apart from me please help!
Is there a cheaper alternative to Laura Mercier's Tinted Moisturizer?
I like Laura Mercier's tinted Moisturizer but it's pricey. Is there any product that's cheaper and comparable to the brand?
Help with a history question?
It's B. The king had a great deal of real power. If a lord tried to get out of given his due to the king, the king would simply have the other lords take it. This is a no brainer.
What was the most meager Christmas bonus/gift you've received from any of your employers?
Since we're all relatively disguised here, what was the name of the company that gave you the most chintzy Christmas perk?
Guys, what's wrong with me?
I notice that a lot of you stare at me with the most obvious eye contact and smile (sometimes) and whistle and sometimes make comments that I can hear or can't hear, but no one ever comes to me and say "hi how are you?" Not even when I'm alone? I mean I'm not mean or arrogant. I dress nice and y (not slutty or hoochie) and my hair is shiny, why is it so easy for other people to find a date and so hard for me? I thought personality matters, I am a nice girl yet I still can't find a nice guy! I'm also skinny but not bony and I'm not snobbish or arrogant like a lot of people. I talk a lot, but people don't know that since they never give me a chance. There must be something wrong with me. So what is it?! Tell me!
Do you think this is a good poem?
I think you need to add more detail or a different choice of words. I think you need to dig a little deeper. Good luck...after enough practice you will get there it just seems a little shallow now.
Dude! Was it something I said, man?
I just came here to hang out with you groovy peoples and next thing I know, everyone is thumbs-dissing me, man. Why man? I don't dig.
Starvation or heart attack (parakeet)?
ok we went out of town for 3 days and left our parakeet at home with my dad.when we came back it seemed fine it was making birdie noises as usual. the next night after we came back it was sitting on the cage floor.it was really fat and not moving but it was alive.there was no food in the container.right away we filled it up.there was some water still left but we filled it up anyway.the next morning we found it dead in the cage :( we went on the computer and was talking to our cousin who has lots of birds and experience with them.we told him what happened and he saidi it was cuz of a heart attack cuz one of his birds died like that.my dad was supposed to take care of it so maybe he forgot to feed it. what happened?
Ramadan: Why did the prophet [ SAW ] state that ' with a female ruler will never be successful '?
Suucess is NOT a measure of acilating wealth. It is adhereing to your religion while becoming better off.
Earth should be evil, yes, i'm convinced?
Because Earth sign doesn't have the mentality to ground it's superior intellect to the world around themselves. Not that I don't like you, but it does not sound that you know what you are talking about.
How do I protect autographs on a t-shirt from fading?
My 4 yr old daughter got her Kasey Kahne t-shirt signed by Kasey, with a black Sharpie brand marker, last night at a local dirt track, and being a 4 yr old, she got some of her drink on the shirt and it needs washed. As much as the autograph means to her, I want to protect it from fading in the wash, and her to still be able to wear the shirt as well. Is there a product out there that can be sprayed on the fabric to keep the ink from fading?
How long can you go to jail for a misdemeanor theft charge??? Honesty?
Im not sure how long jail times are, but my advice is to just tell your story, be honest, and tell them how sorry you are. Judges feel much more sympathy towards those who feel remorse, and if you are sorry its doubtful youll get any time
Cast Iron Bathroom Sink Drain Pipe Beneath Floor?
Yes,there is a seal for water at that point.get it replaced if possible.othervise open it and if seal is torne or damaged then the instant way of repair is that take an insulation of flexible electric wire and then use it as seal.Then replace when new one is available
Is this feeling normal? T-T?
i think this is normal. it probably mean that at this stage, you want to spend the rest of your life with him. (for example: thinking of building a family with him).
What are your favorite books to read?
I've actually read Juric Park more times than I can count. I love that book (and the movie's not bad, either). The Princess Bride, and The Phantom of the Opera are a couple of my favorites, too.
Am i pregnant, if not whats the explanation?
if you "round" enough to start showing then your far enough along to get a positive on a pregnancy test. as for staying a 6 im sorry hunny but if your preggers then your not stayin no 6 no matter how hard you try and to much exercise puts to much stress on a developing fetus. But good luck and take a test or just make an appt. With the doc
What percentage of gay guys would you say "acted gay"?
Do you mean prancing, mincing queens wearing feather boas and garish makeup? Probably one in a million.
Did Bush provoke Russia to a close military alliance with Venezuela due to his engineered $1 Bil Georgian war ?
I think Bush just wanted to test Putin's tolerance but didn't know that he would be so sore after all he did say they were very good friends and all that crap. For those Americans that think they can push the Russians around, let me remind them they have just as many nukes. Russia's close military alliance with Venezuela should serve as a warning and if those Americans still think its sabre rattling they are sorely mistaken. I sincerely hope that the next President will be smart enough to differentiate greed from common sense and choose the right path.
Looking for a good birthday cake?
Does anyone know who has better cakes: Wal-mart, Food Lion, Kroger, Piggly Wiggly, Bi-lo, Sams Club? I need one that is pretty and tastes good.
Which of the following is a function of the goblet cells?
A. they secrete mucus and they do it in the upper respiratory tract so pathogens don't get too far into our body's and make us sick.
Harry Potter Fans Only!!!?
How does Harry Potter get back the Maurader's Map in the Order of the Phoenix after losing it to imposter-Moody in the Goblet of Fire? Remeber he was on the stairs under the invisibility cloak, when "Moody" saw him through his magical eye, and kept Snape from seeing the piece of parchment, deciding to keep it from Harry. This helped him to find Barty Crouch Sr and Viktor Krum on the grounds of Hogwarts near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and attack Crouch , stunning Krum. Points go to the first and best answer, thanks.
I'm doing self body wraps! Is this hazardous for my health? ?
I did it last night. I took saran wrap aka plastic wrap and i wrapped around my torso. Then i tightly took tape and wrapped over the wrap. I did it at 1am when i went to bed and cut it of at 5am. It was sort of uncomfortable breathing because of the tightness but it was okay. I'm 16 and i've done it when i was 14 but my system was different.(I 'tighly' wrapped the plastic wrap around and just used tape to hold.) Is this okay?
Help wife talkn to 1 guy?
Wow. If this is what she does right in front of you, I would hate to see what she does when you aren't around. I recommend in becoming your own private investigator to see what kind of things she is up to. That is if it matters to you. Generally where there is smoke there is fire, so you would be justified to check it out. It smells like there is a wildfire.....
Does anybody know where the scenes for EMB Advertising were filmed at on Packed to The Rafters?
It was the scenes in a company where Rachael was working her first day and looked like Sydney and had good views over a harbour or water or something!
How about a U.S. citizen bailout?
Are you saying do it through the IRS and if you can prove a loss you get the break? Not that exactly but in that direction.
Should I go to culinary school?
Here's the deal. I love writing, in fact one day I want to be a screenwriter/novelist. However, I'm a realist and know I need something stable and retail is just not working out for me anymore. I'm 34 and want to feel content in my career area before I hit 40. So I was thinking about culinary school. People say I'm a good at cooking and would make a great chef. Two schools I'm considering are New England Culinary Institute (Montpelier, Vt.) or the French Culinary Institute (Campbell Ca. and NYC). Before I make that next step I'm wondering if I should give it a few more months to see if anything happens with my writing and then go into it. If I sell a novel or screenplay by January I can afford the school. I've got some connections in the NYC publishing world. I kind of want to avoid having to get grants and financial aid. So bottom line is should I do this or wait to see how the writing pans out? I don't want to get my degree in it and find out one cancels out the other because of time constraints.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Can you have full sleeve tattoos as a nurse & wear long sleeves?
I was wondering if, as a nurse (CNA, LVN/LPN, or RN) if you can have full sleeve tattoos (stopping about 3 inches above the wrist) and work in a hospital, like if you wore long sleeves under your scrubs. I would be working in ER/Critical care, and eventually psychiatric. If not, can you just have half sleeves that scrubs cover? Thanks :)
How to help my malnourished rescue dog?
You need to be careful how much you feed him. Being skinny, means (since I'm sure they tested for medical conditions) means his stomach has shrank as well, from lack of food. If you feed him too much this can hurt his stomach and give him some serious GI issues. You need to feed him a rich, fruit and veggie (meat too) enriched foods, not store brands. Try going to petsmart and finding a good, healthy food for your dog where real meat is the first ingredient, with no corn or wheat-gluten. Brush him everyday and get him some doggy perfume- this can last (one spray) up to 5 days for smaller dogs. Hope he gets back to health soon.
Why is it so difficult to make TRUE friends?
The basic answer to your question is because TRUE friends are very difficult to find. Most people who claim to have a best friend or a true friend don't really have that. They just like to say that. I read somewhere that a person is lucky if they can find one true friend in their entire lifetime. So, again, it's because TRUE friends are very difficult to find.
Are nose piercings considered trashy, now?
Look in some peoples opinions facial piercings, well any piercing that isn't in the earlobe is trashy and it has always and will always be trashy. Then there are people who look trash with or without facial piercings. Then there are people who think other wise cly looking people make themselves look trashy with facial piercings. Then there are people who look cly with or without facial piercings. Piercings don't all look the same on people even if they have the exact same piercing. For example Ke$ha has a nose ring and it looks horribly trashy but then Ke$ha just looks trashy period. Then there are people with nose rings that look very cute, mainly because they are just cly looking people anyway. See what I'm trying to say? My point is everyone has an opinion but the only opinion that really matters is your own. If you want a piercing get it. I used to have three lip rings and a brow ring in each brow lol. It wasn't about how other people felt about me, it was how I felt about myself. Eventually I took them all out because I got tired of them. I didn't like the way they looked on me anymore so I gradually started removing them. Now all that's left is my tongue ring. Ultimately it's your decision and it's your face. If you think you look great, that's all that matters.
Am I being "too sensitive" because I don't enjoy being bullied and called names?
I think its completely inappropriate for anyone to call you those vulgar names! I'm shocked that your manager is refusing to do anything about it! I think you should make it clear to her you will not tolerate such names even if she is just kidding. Put your foot down and let her know you will take it to HR if she doesn't stop. And if she doesn't stop and HR doesn't do anything about it then I don't see why you'd want to continue working their anyway...
What position will Mike Vick play if he plays?
Interesting. Guess most people have always umed he would be a QB. I do believe that Vick will only be receptive to playing QB. However, if the offers do not come as I think he is expecting, he may be forced to consider other positions. Like you, I think an innovative coach could use Vick in a multitude of positions that could reak havoc on the defense. As a QB, he already caused defensive coordinators nightmares. Just imagine trying to prepare for Vick when you do not know where he will line up. Very interesting concept.
Are a nerve conduction study and an EMG really necessary, given my symptoms and MRI test results, and why?
They are looking for blocked pathways of your nerves which might give rise to some of your symptoms. They could also tell if there is an inflammatory process in your nerves going on or in your muscles. Don't chicken out this time, get it done. Most people state this isn't that bad. It may finally give you the proper diagnosis that you have eluded for so long. And then, you could get the proper treatment that may make you feel more well.
I pulled my ex-wifes credit report and on the last page I saw my?
10 year old daughters named. Next to her named it said employment. Under that it had the named of a business, then it said homemaker. My ex has about 150,000 in debt and about 100,000 is bad debt. She also has 5 judgements. We also have a 8 year old son. Should I be concerned. None of my children are listed on my credit report. Can I run a credit check on my 10 year old?
Pissed of teacher, HELP >;[?
Say do you need help with anything to day whatever her response is keep your attitude cool don't get mad say Okay. Say so i've been reading lately as much as i can every chance i can read and while reading i was eating dinner and i spilled spaghetti sauce on my book,, If theres a price for the book i'll see what i can do.. Lol I know exactly how you feel cover it up as much as you can!!! That happened to me i spilled orange juice all over my book but lucky turned it in before librarian saw it Well Good luck!!
Do you like watching your competition (a.k.a. your opponents :P)?
Not really. I suggest that if your in a sport just practice and practice until your confident that you can beat your opponent so that you don't have to watch your opponent. If you watch your opponent then it just shows that you think that you can't beat them.
Should I put a ring on this girl's finger?
Does it sound like I've found my dream girl? Here are some facts: She rides around with me in my hearse and digs it. She likes alot of bands I dig, like Electric Wizard, Eyehategod, and My Bloody Valentine. She is a knockout. She has beautiful dark hair and eyes--owing to her partial Mexican heritage--balanced against the prettiest fair olive skin, lightly dotted with a few freckles. She smells good even after skipping a shower. She lets me be the hearse driving, Catholic icon collecting, black wearing, Poe portrait tattooed, doom metal listening weirdo I am--unquestioningly. We wore the best Wednesday and Pugsley costumes together on Halloween. She is responsible, works 40 hrs a week, and is about to start school. My family likes her. She watches corny old ploitation movies with me. She collects groovy B-grade Sci-Fi VHS tapes. She has a personal style of dress that is her own, without silly ostentation. I love her. She's rad. After 9 months, should I think about sealing the deal?
What does this word mean?
The word dreadlocks refers to a hairstyle where the wearer possesses hair in rope-like locks. (Here's an example picture. a href="http://www.newhairstyles2010.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/cc5cc_Dreadlocks3.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://www.newhairstyles2010.com/wp-cont…/a ) The sentence means that Ally's father shook her hand because he does routinely. Then he looked at Jaden's hair disapprovingly to find that she had dreadlocks.
Flash game on the internet where you pop ballons?
there's a game on the internet where the balloons are going along a path and you have various things that pop them, i played it earlier today but i cannot remember what site or the games name. You have a monkey that threw a boomerang, a monkey that threw darts, cannons and other items... help!?
Is it possible to get on to a pgce with a cannabis warning?
ie. a warning that would be disclosed by police when they check local records for the enhanced crb, rather than an official caution.
Unknown "m storage device"?
Remove your wireless adaptor and boot up, do you still get the same messge? your system may be reading the adaptor as a storage device, also if you have a printer connected, again as most printers have a buffer( storage) your system is identifying this.
How do you think differences in individualism/collectivism are likely to influence the judgments made of other groups and relationships between them? Which orientation is more likely to promote ethnocentrism? Altruism? What factors shape our becoming individualist or collectivist? How do gender, religious convictions, and political attitudes influence individualism/collectivism? How do these two different orientations affect our personal and social well being? Should present emphases be changed? Are there ways of capturing the best of both individualism and collectivism?
Is this a good idea to do with my girlfriend?
Well we will have been together 3 months on thursday, and we have never done anything super special that she wasn't already expecting...so! I was thinking, we could drive up to the place I first asked her out, which is this cliff overlooking the city I live in. She would just be expecting us to chill in the car...but my plan is to go into the trunk, pull out a boquet of flowers, and put on either a Sinatra song or Bye Bye Blackbird (she loves both) and ask her to dance with me up there. So I was just wondering if you thought it would be a good idea? Thanks!
Is this blackmail? Can she do this? ?
No its harrasment and she can go to jail or pay a fine for it uming you sue her. Good news is, you'd probably win.
What program can i download for free that records keystrokes on my computer?
Be careful, since most software with such functions are considered spyware by virus scanners, but I'd recommend the free version of Pantera Log's keylogger. Just perform a Google search for ''Keyboard Logger Download'' and get one. I recommend those which can be made visible when you press a sequence, such as CTRL + ALT + K. That way, you won't run it on yourself easily.
I drive a stick shift car and an automatic scooter, how hard will it be for me to learn to ride a motorcycle?
If you are proficient at both, you shouldn't have much of a problem. The main difference between a motorcycle clutch and a car clutch is that motorcycle clutches are bathed in oil, and are very difficult to burn out. You don't have to worry about "riding" the clutch like you would in a car. The principle is the same, Much of slow speed motorcycle operation happens with the clutch partially engaged- this is the friction zone - and that is perfectly OK. You will have better control over the clutch with your fingers than you do in the car using your foot.
Can I take my practical test in my own car?
Makes a lot of sense to me, as if you p this will be the car you will be driving on the roads, not the instructors, hopefully you won't need to drive that one again. The only reason not to would be if you don't have proper insurance, and there was an accident.
Landing net for ocean shore fishing?
your answer is / http:www.bproshop.com/saltwater for some of the best telescopic landing nets on the planet. check out the gaffs also these would make a good wading stick. Your fishing pal
What do I do about my laptop heating up so much it shuts down?
I have a pretty nice laptop, and I only use it for gaming. However I just recently bought the game Aion and now my laptop tends to overheat and shutdown in the middle of the game. My computer has the capability to run this game with the graphics all the way up, so thats how I do it. But now I found myself in a bind because I'm lookin at these really good laptop coolers, however the reviews say that overall they dont keep the temperature down that much and your just payin way to much (I will only get a decent aluminum cooler, no plastic ones) so, how do I fix this problem?
I just got the Sims 3 and I can't figure it out...?
can you put multiple families in a neighborhood and how? I made a family and now I can only play that one without starting an entirely new neighborhood... also, how do you shut off tutorial mode and can you delete preexisting families?
Do parents know when their kids?
do they know when their kids are well lets say less than beautiful. I mean you know that old saying "a face only a mother could love" sure she loves them but does she think they are ugly? You know when you see a person and you are like omgoodness.....seriously do you think the parents see them the way the rest of the world does? I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that and I do not judge people by the4 way they look BUT sometimes its obvious some people are ugly to look at....chastise me if you want but I really want to know.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I need opinions - is this cute or completely obnoxious?
Totally obnoxious, a 2 year old can't even throw and he might be fearful of the crowd. I would never put my kid under stress like that.
Does anyone know a good strong boy name?
Aubrey is a wonderful, strong and masculine boy's name. She may also love Teagan or Tadghan since she loves Rowan. Teagan is the anglicized spelling of Tadghan.
What is the best way to professionally paint my chandelier?
I'm painting a br lamp black and im going to sell it back. so i need to find a way to make it look professionally done and perfect looking. I need some helpful tips.
Chelsie got eliminated from sytycd WTF HAPPENED?
I was so ******* shocked, she was my favorite HANDS DOWN, I actually teared up when she did. Did ANY of you see this coming?
My Best Friend stole from me?
At the end of last summer I had a purple lace bra that went missing when I was packing my clothing to go back to school. Right before I noticed it missing I saw the same bra in my best friend's purse when we were hanging out. I told her I have that same bra and she told me she had just bought it at American Eagle which I thought was weird because I found it at Marshall's so I don't know why it would still be in the store but I let it go, even though I now suspect that she stole it from me. A week ago she slept over after a night out and I left her alone in my room for an hour in the morning when I went to help my grandma with something. I came back and she told me how she tried my shatter OPI nail polish but it didn't work. Today I went in my nail polish to paint my nails for the first time since before then and I felt like I didn't have as much as I thought. I went through my nail polish looking for the one I was planning on using and found it missing. I also noticed at least two others, both purple, were missing. Her favorite color is purple and she was the last person I know of to be in my nail polish. I really want my nail polishes back if she took them, especially because one is a limited edition I spent 3 weeks looking for and the other is one of my favorites. How do I confront her? She's my BEST friend and I don't even know if she actually did take them...
Doctor think my study is correct of my problem? I think am sure but my physician isn't know squat.?
You are putting the horse before the cart. You are not thirsty because of your A-Fib. Also you need to look up waht intracellular thirst is etc. The excess thirst you describe as having sounds more like a sign of diabetes or your body being dehydrated. For now relax and wait for your cardiologist appointment. ALso just because you feel fatigued does not mean it is related to your A-FIb. It could be caused by tons of other things including anemia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
What was your reaction when Janis Joplin died?
I wasn't born then, but my mother said she was devastated! What was your reaction, and were you a fan?
Are there any composers whom you admire, but whose music you dislike?
For instance , many people admire Britten's technical prowess but dislike the soullessness of much of his music
What are your views on Shariah Law?
I consider myself not religious and think that religion is the root of all our problems. Mankind will be destroyed by a fairytale book. Anyways, back to my question. I have asked before about what people think of Islam and if they agree that all Muslims are sneaky and are waiting to take over the world, all I get is abusive replies. Don't mind what I am writing now, all I want to know is if anyone agrees with the terms of Shariah Law, like stoning woman to death for committing adultery or making woman where a Burkah to cover everything except for a little eye slit. What are you honest views and do you think that this ret@rded system would ever become a reality in the west?
Severe calve muscle pain!! please help me?
Might have been a charlie horse, but if it lasted into the next day and was severe enough for you to stay home, I would see a Doc. Muscle spasms can be caused by a deficiency in potium. But , see your Doc.
Why do I have no sound from Bose Cinemate GS Series ll when using optical cable?
I just bought this and it was a cinch to hook up but when I hook up optical cable from Bose to TV I get no sound. Using the standard RCA cables (Red and White) I get sound but with the money I put in I want digital. Note: I am using HDMI for my cable, PS3, and XBOX though that shouldnt matter right?
Question for conservative christians and I'm genuinely tryning to understand something.?
Well stated. I remain unconvinced that one species can actually become another species. Also, we should have primate RNA if we evolved from them.
Exactly what do I DO for a Lingerie Shower??
Make sure everyone knows her size and bring her a nice piece of lingerie. Serve up some blended drinks--since you are going with a Hawaiian theme, serve pina coladas and mai tai's. Fresh pineapple, fruit salad and BBQ. Put up some string lights with a tropical theme and have fun.
To get pregnant diet?
ive never heard of that..but i eat really healthy and i take prenatals..i dont think thats a diet though haha
What are the singers on Phineas & Ferb?
What are their names. Please include first name and last name. Or band. First one to answer gets the points.
Old hard drive in a new laptop?
Buy this: a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/BLUE-SLIM-USB-2-0-2-5-laptop-IDE-hard-drive-enclosure_W0QQitemZ370021756466QQihZ024QQcategoryZ74949QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem" rel="nofollow"http://cgi.ebay.com/BLUE-SLIM-USB-2-0-2-…/a
Mike Tyson vs. David Tua (Around the time they both lost to Lennox Lewis)?
David Tua versed him in 2000 and Tyson in 2002 so around that time of their career versing eachother.
Artificial Intelligence Question?
seems to me there are more than enough problems with the human population without creating other life forms to add more chaos to the melee
Fish Friends Help?????!!!!!?
I have 2 cinimon clown fish 2 three striped damsels 1 yellow tail damsel (Getting another soon) and getting to normal clownfish soon what other fish could i put in with these fish and how can i tell the gender of each one without telling by colors.(Im a little color blind) i need alot more fish too!suggest some i do have a big enough tank. Thanks!!!!!
99 mustang. Will these tires fit on this rim?
Yes, 215/35-18 specs allow up to 8.5" rim. don't be surprised if the ride will be harsh and steering to be twitchy. Why did you ask, you already had your answer in your question above? I would recommend stepping up to a 235/35-18, still fits the rim and is only .5-.6" taller.
Girls its your faults guys are all D!cks...Read how!!!!!!?
I am told and know i am a gentlemen, so i date this girl get the car door make her dinner with flowers for her birthday take on interesting fun dates and she dumps me, she is spoiled and thats over but now i just wanna turn into a jack@ss because im gettin no where with this good guy thing...agree disagree why?
When I go back to school should I be this bold with a girl?
Alright so I'm going to be in my senior year of high school so I'm going to be as risky as possible because this is my last time spending time with these people. Back in my freshman year, I really liked this girl (let's call her Mary). I talked to her a lot on facebook and then I asked her on facebook (stupid I know) to go to this freshman dinner dance that was kind of like prom for freshman. It was awkward and we had an awkward slow dance. I kept talking to her on facebook which was a total mistake because I'm pretty sure if I actually talked to her she would've gone out with me. But I don't have any regrets cuz I was younger and naive and all that. The next year for some reason I think whilst talking to her online fir some reason I called her a *****. Yeah another stupid move. For the rest of sopre and junior year I did nothing. So after watching Rushmore for a second time, I decided I need to be more like the main caharcter and basically do what you want when you want. I was thinking when school starts back up going up to her and saying: "hey Mary, I know a couple years ago some stuff happened, but hopefully I've matured and I was wondering whether you'd like to go out on a date sometime?" My new philosophy is carpe diem, you know sieze the day. Good idea? Could I say it better? Suggestions? Comments?
Why do guys play mind games? are they just to scared?
this guy ive been hanging out with told me his "friend" said i wasnt pretty or smart enough for him! but he said he stuck up for me? he also tells me things like i know you will fall in love with me in less than 3 months or that i "like him to much" then he turns it around and says things like i hope you dont Frick me over. Im so confused...does he like me, is he scared...is this is way of making me feel like hes to good for me so i dote on him? He tells me how much he likes hanging out with me and compliments me constantly then its like he gets nervous so he has to add something negative like your psycho..haha..please help me try to understand what the hecks going on!
Walgreens Complete Moisture Lotion applied on the face?
I know that if a lotion is a body lotion, it cannot be applied on the face. But, I got the walgreens complete lotion, and i is not written on it whether it is a body or face lotion. So, I was wondering if it can be applied on the face, perhaps from its name complete?. Moreover, it has the ingredient glycerin which I believe smoothness..Thanks guys
Red eyes synchro deck?
HOLY **** I LOVE THAT RED EYES DARKNESS METAL DRAGON. How did you get that card man?! btw the rest of the deck sounds nice. but why have five god dragon in your side deck? you dont even have polymerization.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Will microsoft and windows still exist in the next couple of years?
It's changing, and changing very fast. Many things are going to be web based or in the cloud as they like to call it. Will it take off, like they think, I don't know. For myself, I like having my programs on my computer and I like storing my information on my computer. Google is the one to watch, they are now working on a new OS and they have the money and users to really change the game. My guess is it's going to be more free OS's like the new google How much it's hard to say. One thing for sure there will be less Microsoft. As far as apple taking over, not likely. They are all about the money, and they charge a lot. You really don't get that much more for your money. They make good stuff, so they will probably always have a place, with some people having more money than computer sense. Apple will be here for some time, but My guess is they won't every get over 10% of the computer market.
Is it possible to take linseed oil(cricket bat oil) and turn it into a waxy substance so it's easier to apply?
I want to make a product similar to Salix Bat wax (I won't be selling it, just that it isn't available in New Zealand and I want to make some for myself). Is it possible in a normal household and if so how would I do it?
Did I do a decent job?
You should ALWAYS eat breakfast. Its never good skip it. because it sets your metabolic rate for the rest of the day. Its better to drink juice only in the morning, and only water the rest of the day. For snacks, you would need fruits instead of cookies. Also, you probably need more veggies, If this helps: Its best to eat 4-5 meals a day every couple of hours, and not 3 big meals
Do Unions cause unemployment?
Yes, and they don't care. It's all about them, the power of their membership and if non union members get in the way, that is too bad.
Which is the Most Un recognized Under Rated sign of all?
If there was such thing as an underrated sign then yes i would agree with you about Aquarius, there's just one thing...and that is that they can be mean and selfish when it comes to the feelings of other ppl that don't share the same beliefs as them...other than that they can be cool. Then again not all Aquarius are the same.
Pokemon platinum good movesets for these pokemon?
i would try to give them moves that guard against their weakness or all out power moves or an elemental move set
How should i apply my makeup for my senior pictures?
i would say simple. not too much liner. and a brown smokey kid. with lipgloss and mabe a little bit of blush
What temperature does a 1990 Mitsubishi Montero run at?
I just need to know what temperature a 1990 Mitsubishi Montero V6 run at. I would appreciate any help.
What are your favorite food smells?
fresh coffee, chocolate, popcorn, anything cooking on a grill, chili, dang I have too many to list lol
Introduce poison into drugs to kill off dregs of society who are already poisoning themselves?
I recently heard of, but have not yet found or read, of two men who submitted their doctoral dissertation suggesting that the government introduce poison into the drugs that are being sold on the street (coke, meth, heroine etc) arguing that they are already poisoning themselves, this would simply do it faster. The result would be a quick elimination of the dregs of society. I live in an area with a lot of tweakers (meth addicts) and I have found myself growing fond of this idea. I was wondering what people thought about this concept; ethical concerns? better solutions etc...
Is this "cool"? lol i just did it, I thought it was funny?
Hit somebody, hit somebody...throw up your fists y'all, it's a brawl, coming at you with 30 strong, yup me and my dogs, you'll be running in circles hoping around like frogs. throw up your fists in a homicidal rage, ten to twenty or twenty to forty we welcome any age as i turn the page i load the 12guage..pop pop there is went, my pockets are lonely y'all my moneys all spent and I can barely pay the rent
Enders Game simulator battle question?
As I understood it, Ender was the Commander of the mission, with the others being squad leaders or sector commanders. I don't remember the actual names of the divisions, but you get the idea.
Saudia Arabia Law KSA?
Beating kids is normal and legal as far as my husband knows in Saudi Arabia. Since your a boy, I don't think you require permission from your father to leave the country, but Saudi girls do require their father's permission to leave. I read on travelstate website (for USA) that it says all sons under the age of 21 and all unmarried girls and adult wives or daughters of saudis are the property of their husband/father and require their husband's/father's consent to leave the country (in other words the Saudi father/husband has to write a letter and sign it giving his permission for his "property" to leave the country). However my husband told me that law only applies to Saudi daughters and Saudi wives, American women can leave the country whenever. There are no Churches in Saudi Arabia, there might be in the compounds but not in public. And you cannot practice your religion in public either or bring anything that isn't Islamic into the country. I would say just move to Canada if you want to practice Christianity. Oh and the Bible doesn't make it legal to fornicate (however all three bibles I've read say it's okay to let your wife be d by the male neighbor if she gets d).
Does my bestfriend (who i'm in love with) act like this on purpose? read on, i NEEEED advice pleaseee?
Okay i'm bi and my best friend knows i'm in love with her, anyways she's straight, she was cool with it, but she said stuff too me like at school she has to stop herself kissing me, and she wants to kiss me and **** like that. Anyway we agreed we will, but i was trying to make sure she was fine with it as she's straight and all ( Well she told me she wasn't sure but it;s so obvious she is ) So for weeks this went on the whole "talking" about it then one friday i stopped at hers,we was supposed to that night, but it just didn't feel right i left it, although the night before she said she wouldn't be able to help herself anyway we were just messing about ( as friends not that type of messing about ) and i was lay on top of her on the floor (she was on her stomache) anyway she was on her laptop and she asked for a mage so i gave her one, and jesus she sounded like she was ing lol ( but she wasn't ) Nothing happened, just a normal friend sleepover, i was cool with it was a good night but like after that at school she'd been quite distant with me, it pissed me off a bit the way she was acting so i just backed off, then that night she said she doesn't wanna do the whole kissing thing anymore, just leave it and stuff, anyway we had a tiny arguement ( not over that just over her acting a **** at school ) and i just walked out and apprently she kept asking for me and stuff, i mean one minute she has to stop herself from kissing me, the next she doesn't want to anymore and is staying away from me then she doesn't stopped asking for me? What does this mean please no snide comments because i know this question will sound like a little kid the way i've put it, but some advice would be nice please :)
Any good animes out there?
katekyo hitman reborn, myself yourself, code ge, skip beat, kaichou wa maid sama, zero no tsukaima (only 3 seasons since the 4th season is in japan only), happiness, full moon wo sagashite
Head of state vs head of government?
Alex, I am not quite sure of the question. I would post it again, just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the fact that you are looking for legitimate debate and you are civil and respectful in your answers. Good luck with answers
How should I start chapter 2 after a dramatic cliffhanger?
I'm writing a book and have everything planned from the middle of chapter two onward. I have chapter one finished and it ended with a very dramatic cliffhanger (of which main characters whose names you don't know yet are all knocked unconscious). Now the question is how should I START chapter 2? Like, should I have them wake up, have the culprit enter the room and wake them up, describe something in the scenery like a sound or something, etc... After the first paragraph I should be able to get going smoothly, I just need that paragraph...
I need some Ideas of Good Agatha Christie books to read!?
i have read and then there were none. and i loved that book. but im ready to start reading another one and i don't know which one i should read. any ideas??
Why doesn't Barack HUSSEIN Obama use his middle name when campaigning for office?
actually and technically to the 2nd person, mitt is romney's middle name, he uses it cuz it sounds cooler. but either way this question is not particularly sound. I'd say meaner things, but that'd be mean.
Anyone wanna get in on a serious project? From 1 JAN to 31 DEC 08, Im gonna save every last?
scrap of unsolicited and junk mail i get, (the post office insists they must deliver it) and at the end of the year, im thinking of renting a huge dump truck, backing up to the post office and dumping it at the front door. this may sound a little far fetched, but if someone knows someone at a tv or newspaper station, i may not get arrested. you can either save yours too or help me find someone to broadcast the affair.
What will happen if I can't pay back the student loan?
Find a higher paying job. Maybe in your field of study. I mean that's why you went to school, right? To improve yourself? Get a better career? Working at a job which pays only $300 a month would appear to be a waste of a $20,000 education. Good luck.
Why does Jewish theology seem so peaceful when the Torah's words seem pretty bloody and brutal?
Did you actually read any of these verses? I just read them and it says nothing as you described them. I am getting the feeling you just copied and pasted something from a website, especially since you keep posting the same question over and over again
Who believes that outlawing guns will lower crime?
It is a sad fact that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it,After invading, Nazis used pre-war lists of gun owners to confie firearms and many gun owners simply disappeared. Following confiion, the Nazis were free to wreak their evil on the disarmed populace, such as on these helpless Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto
What could this dream possibly mean?
This dream seems like the opposite of what you are. Maybe you've been living to content with your life even though it's not really what you want. You've been maybe too scared or lazy to change life for it to work for you so YOU can be happy. This the inner you saying that it's time for you to change to what you really want or need in life.
I need a good bag for cheer practices?
I need a compact bag that can hold my cheer shoes,shirt,shorts & my poms. im sick of lugging around a huge competition duffel bag to & from practices...i just need a small bag with a lot of room
How can i increase the performance on a 64 thunderbird?
i just bought a 64 thunderbird and im looking to restore the interior and increase the performance of the engine, but im not too familiar with carbureted systems. is it possible to tune it up and if so, how? it has the 4 barrel 390 with an edelbroch performance carb on it with the original glyde-o-matic .
I'm 15 and Im pregnant. Help pleasee. please pelase please please please?
You will be okay. Don't beat yourself up. You have some options, and you have time. You will figure out what's best for you and this baby. Even though it will be scary, you have to talk to your parents and go to the doctors to start good prenatal care, to take care of yourself. Surround yourself with supportive people who love you, and they will help you figure this out.
Voil�! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes
of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant and vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
I have an idea for a program that is worth writing but I can't afford to pay anyone...?
I have a (secret) idea for a program, a special CMS made with PHP, but if I wrote it all by myself it would take forever. I'm in full time education so I can't exactly devote my time to it. How do I get a group of developers to work for me on this project without paying them and without divulging too many details? And do people actually pay for easy to use CMSs? How much would you pay if it made it really easy?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Translate to french for me?
How do you say love is my life in french? I am planning on getting this as a tattoo and i wanted to make sure it is correct. Is it l'amour est ma vie?
Could a person control their face after being decapitated?
You know how the brain sends signals to the nerves in your body, which in turn moves your body? And you know the phrase 'running around like a headless chicken' is actually true because a headless chicken has lived for over 3 years? Well could we not move our heads after decapitation, since the nerves are still there, and so is the brain.. It's not like everything is completely shut down in the split second that you're killed.. So is this possible? Could we actually still move our faces after decapitation?
What is the usual shifts of call center agents in the Philippines (for overseas account)?
If it's shifting schedule, what is the shift that requires more people? If you are handling an inbound or outbound account, what preparations should you do - mentally, emotionally, intellectually, etc.? Thanks in advance! :)
Who actually DOES anything with a liberal arts degree?
I mean, if you majored in a foreign language, or english, or religion, or philosophy, what do you DO? As far as I can tell, your options are teach, or work for a souless corporation (this includes the government). Maybe a soulful corporation, but still, some kind of desk job.
Girlfriend cramping before period?
My girlfriend is on the birth control pill. We used a condom. (Discovered a minuscule hole in it after it sat in the trash for 3 days). I also used withdrawal. This has been the only ual act. For the last three days shes been cramping. Her period is due in a couple days. Is this normal?
What archeological digs unearthed Ancient Hebrew and Israel?
You can get information by googling "tells",these are mounds where ancient cities were. Some look like a little hill,until the digging starts. Add any description to your google e.g.biblical tells
I still have $25.00 to spend on a game what should I buy *LOOK*?
i can tell ya what not to get - Perseus Mandate (kinda like playing the 1st quake)& Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl (boring)
What is the name of the episode on scrubs where the janitors have a singing contest?
i know its not the one thats called my musical. i want to buy this other episode on itunes and i have no clue what it is called. the janitors come together and make a quartet. then they compete with other janitors from other hospitals. I'm not sure what else happens in the episode. i just remember that and i remember liking that.
What color should I dye my hair?
I think some copper red, & carmel low lights would look georgeous!!! I would love to do it your hair looks awesome, but I would not do an all over color, you natural color is beautiful!! Hope this helps, I'm a hair stylist!
Im looking for graphics to fit on a 03 CRF 450 that fits black plastic. does anyone know where to get them?
i have a CRF 450 dirt bike that has black plastic on it. ive been looking for graphics that would look good with the black plastic. everything i have found so far will not go back to the year 2003. if anyone knows where to buy some graphics please let me know.
Health Insurance- Need Help in finding the right plan/ company?
Find a local insurance broker. They will decipher all the plans that meet your criteria. Our broker does everything for us, if someone has a question (and they are not sure of the answer) they will call the insurance company for us, that way we do not have to sit on the phone for hours. They will order new or additional cards and process claims. It sure makes life a lot easier.
Help! Role play! PLEASE HELP!?
"Role play" is another way of saying "improvisation". That means no script. You read about your subject, so you know who's who. You discuss the topic and get a general idea of what direction you want to go in.Then you get up in front of everyone, and just do it, making it up as you go. If that sound like "Who's line is it...", that's because that's what it is. Improvisation. Role play. At least you don't have to worry about being funny without a script or rehearsal.
What shoes should I buy?
most puma shoes don't, and even if they did it still wouldn't be enough to help your foot. i say get the support arch.
Japanese: If I write in all Katakana, would it be readable?
readable but unconventional. That would be ogous to writing in all capitals. Conventionally Japanese is written in Hiragana and foreign words are written in Katakana. Katakana was formerly used for official writing while Hiragana was used for informal communication.
Which English translation of the Bible is the most accurate to the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic?
I've been searching for a translation that will give me the literal meanings of the original languages.
My bf needs time LDR?
A long distance relationship is difficult in the best of times. It sounds like there are all kinds of other things going on. Your idea of cooling off sounds good. Be careful, if he's unreasonable now how bad will he be later?
What was the population of the earth that died in the flood of Noah?
All but 8 people died. You asked how many of the population died-not what was the population at that time!!
Is it true that India's climate is similar to that of china? Except China being more colder in winters?
Combined you are looking at a huge land m. Weather could be the same in most parts if you take a random survey. You are bound to find same types of weather all over.
I'm getting a Beatles tattoo on Monday..?
I've been thinking on getting one for a good few months and finally booked myself in for it..But now i'm getting second thoughts & people are also putting me off..I'm planning to get 'take these broken wings and learn to fly' on my ribs from the song 'Blackbird'. What are your opinions on this & does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks.
Is this BMW a good deal ?
Only $12k? Bmw is the most reliable company car you can trust on this whole world, and 84k of mileage is not too bad, I think is a great price
Do israelis hate germans?
We israelis do not hate Germans. You see, it would be silly to generalize and hate an entire nation based on the actions of some, as we very well know.
What is the grossest most messed up video on the internet?
I wanna' watch the grossest messed up video on the internet to see if i can handle it. i tryed going to bloodshows.com but its not working. Ive seen a lot of gross videos but i wanna watch the most disgussting video. btw ive seen death videos; chomp; 2 girls 1 cup; 1 guy 1 jar...etc but im looking for the grossest please tell me the grossest video and where to find it..thanks
What language is this?
If it's in a different language, then why would it have "supertight" and "eyeliner". I'm guessing this is either gibberish, or made up.
Windows games?
There are some few games which you get when you first get your computer (Spider solitare, Pinball and some other stuff). I deleted my game folder and does anyone know how I can retrieve it? A site maybe?
What's your plan for fixing the oil spill?
I give up on waiting for BP and Kevin Costner to save us, what's your plan. Anything and everything is on the table.
What can i do to stop hating my family?
Bad parents. Can i just adopt you? Seriously...first, don't do anything stupid like committing suicide, talk to your guidance counselor and tell her what's happening to you. They are supposed to help or find help for you.
How to make a boy want me?
theres this columbian boy i like but he says he only see's me as a friend. how do i make him want me. how do i make him want to kiss me also
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I need help understand this short article,can u please help?
This type of ID card would allow the government to know every person's movements and whereabouts at all times. Anyone cought engaaginginn"subversive" activities could be put under further surveillance and/or arrest. It would be used to keep track of alll sorts of information about individuals, thus the loss of personal privacy. Any one suspected of engagingin "terroristic" activities could be placed in jail or deported, thus removing undesirable elements from the population.
Peer pressure, and cosplay?
ok so my friends are going to the mall today. well they are wanting to go all out cosplay at the mall, and they want me to do it. ive never dressed up before, and i mean if people at school saw me dress like that, i would probably be laughed at. i mena no offense to anyone, but i mean you usually dont o thigns like that, like i wouldnt go to the gym in my cosplay outfit. i mean should i do it, cause i mean we will be the only ones doing it there is no con or anything just them wanting to dress up. so hsould i do it or what?
Help! Sudocrem question!?
Sudocreme is a miracle-working cream! I use it on all my scs/cuts/bites etc... Even if it doesn't work, it won't hurt. I hope your stings go down soon :)
Poll: who is your favorite celebrity and why?
i have four. tom fletcher, danny jones, dougie poynter, and harry judd. because they are funny, sweet, hot, $ex gods, and donate to charity. they also arent fake and stuck up and they are good friends. they love their mums, and dougie is a bada$$, dirty boy. they are in a band called mcfly. and they have hot British voices. AND they are super y!!!
My ex keeps on texting me about his new girl...Duh? What for?
He is texting me that his new girl havent texted him and he is suspecting that the girl is seing another guy. Heres the scenario, My ex is 32, the girl is 22. They dont have a realationship yet coz the girl is still not ready, ut my ex is so into her already.I just fnd it so irritating that he had to text me about his suspicions and qualms about his new girl. I mean, I said over and over that im not interested. Why is he so insensitive of me. He dumped our 8 year relationship for this young brat, then now he comes to me coz he so damn sad and depressed. I hate it that I have to recieve these insensitive texts from him. I just proved to myself that I dont care about him anymore coz hes so irritating. My question is, why does he comes to me for help and comfort.He said im still his bestfriend. What should I do? Comfort him?
Should I vacate in Oxford?
I have posted many questions about where I can stay in London or near London, and mostly everyone keeps saying I should go to one of the nicer places of the UK. I have always been fascinated with Oxford University and was wondering if maybe taking up residency would be ideal, or is there another place you would have in mind. How is the nightlife there? And is it a fun area? Let me know before I make any reservations or bookings!
My 2yr old is very quiet at daycare?
At home my 2& 1/2 year old is very talkative, fun, outgoing...... She has no problems n her development. At daycare on the other hand she seems to be quiet, shy, bashful. Even her tone of voice changes (very quiet/low). It is a home daycare w/ only 4 kids ranging from 1,2, & 4 yr old kids. The lady seems nice but does loud voice, so it can seem like she's giving orders. I do trust her btu i cant figure out why my little girl doesn't express herself @ daycare?? Any suggestions? And what should i bring up to the daycare director when speaking to her about this?
My dogs eyes seem to be runny and goopy.?
The flys are always bothering him and eating away at the inner portion of the eye socket...is there anything you can recommend that will keep the flys off.....some sav or ointment
Very upset with marriage?
I have been married for 21years....two years ago i found out through an astrologer that my husband has been flirting....he got caught....now the same astrologer told me that he is flirting with a married woman who has kids too. My husband has always been the type to do things together with me....do errands, have lunch ...dinner..and so on....we could sit together and have conversation for hours....we used to have every two weeks ...i am 45 and he is 46.....ours was a love marriage....now he is very quiet...everything i say is wrong....he does not smile, always serious...no jokes....yesterday i sat near him and asked him nicely....are u happy with this marriage....he says i am okay...and when i probed a little more...he said he hates me acting like this.....i really dont know what is goimg on....on fridays he leaves his office at 6pm.....and returns home at 6am...sat and sun...he is at home... When i am out of the hse, he is on his blackberry....he locks it when not using...i cant check it because it belongs to office....today i sent my mum a msg to say that i am hurt and sad...and that he is on the line when i am out of the hse....i also said he is up to no good.....i accidentally sent it to him too....i expected an outburst'''but there is no response from him.....am not speaking to him currently....at least for a few days...i dont know what is happening....pls help
MFS: Mexico's next friendly will be against Hungary?
Yeah its in February, but I heard it was going to be in Atlanta in the Georgiadome. In March I also heard they are going to play in Los Angeles against Argentina. Nice debut for Chepo.
The new Supreme Court ruling, the end of Democracy? Should the Supreme Court be abolished?
This is a devastating blow to Democracy. Corporations and labor unions have too big of influence even without this ruling. However I fail to see how this is a republican victory when it is clear that no one wins except Oil companies, health care companies, wall street and giants like mc donalds and wal-mart. They do what they do not in the best interest of America but for the interest of profit. These are the groups that will be legislating soon.
Well is it okay to go out with a different religion?
well i been talking to this guy his name is erick and we been talking for like 3 months know. and we want to go out but the thing is that he is a christian and im a catholic and i want to know if is okay to go out with a different religion.
Why aren't they discussing raising the voting age?
We have facts that the last part of the brain to develop doesn't until the mid 20's and that's why drinking,voting and fighting in war is too dangerous under 25.The only reason they let 18 year olds fight in war is mainly because of the fact that they are impressionable and not because they are "adults" and an older person would know how dangerous fighting in war is.The age of majority should be mandated 25 in every state.Repeal the 26th amendment cause that generation we didn't have the facts on the brain.
No gas line or 220 outlet for dryer?
Chances are the previous owner had a 110v dryer. You will need a 30 amp breaker, and 10/3 wire, and a dryer plug. Shut the power off to to the house before starting. On your plug there will be 2 copper, 1 silver and 1 u shape connector. Your ground goes to the u shape, white to silver screw, and the red and black to the copper. (should have directions with the plug) In your panel, the ground goes to the grounding bar, your white to the return bar, and black and red to the terminals on the breaker. place breaker in 2 slots of the panel. Hope this helps, and good luck!!
Suicide hotline not helpful?
Most are more helpful, try another help line; it was probably just an idiot on the other end this time. Remember, that you are supercool no matter what any person says (even if that person is you).
Halo 3 MLG maps (specificly foundry maps) are so well forged. How?
I know how to geomerge and stuff but how are they so well merged. For example, the stairs on the map "Ons v6" are sunken perfectly into the ground. Are these pros at using forge or do they have some special software?
Is it possible to get a handgun in california thats not on their little "list" of approved guns?
I really want a little beretta bobcat, its a 22lr. California only allows the beretta tomcat which is a 32. Can I buy a bobcat at an online store like budsonline and have it shipped to my local gun store? And they have guns at my local store that are on consignment, what does this mean? I figured it was only for law enforcement to buy ?
Your best choice would be go for the Sony.In my opinion it's the best make.I always stick with Sony brand
Are peoples personal stories exciting, fun and worth hearing? Or do they mainely benefit the story teller?
I like to be entertaining. When i share personal stories people rarely join in and entertain me with their personal stories. Stories of steeling, sneeking, running, toaking, driving, rock and roll show stories, traveling stories, stupid human stories. So i say, "I want to share a personal story, OK? Pick one of these three: the one about the purple eal, the story about sneaking into rock concerts or one about touching the taps. And people usually pick on they want to here and i entertain them with a story for a few minutes. Like the one where i fell out of a tree. Or finding an answer in the Bible. Or seeing a "Sundog" from above. Or driving the Cop car. Or the white Polynesian guy. Or the Halibut. Or the Crow. Or the Bear. Or the Bison. Or the Eagle. Or the Bear poo. Or the greatest example of drinking i have ever seen?
What's the difference between rats and hamsters?
I am about to organize our annual neighborhood RatYacht Regata Extravaganza 2007 in the swamp outside, and since my reputation is on the line I don't want to take any chances. Would I be better off with some other type of an aquatic vermin?
Reading books online?
It may or may not be available online. Try googling it, and if it doesn't show up, phone one of your friends and see if you can borrow their copy.
Please name the major accounts that either McCain or Obama will have to cutback?
Both of them have hinted at Medicaid, but would not be pinned down. Neither dare not name any specific major cuts as the election comes to the deadline. Tax revenue will have to drop off and mive cuts are inevitable, quickly. I just wonder which will get the axe as soon as this election is finalized. Comments?
What would make me stand out more for colleges?
im gonna be a senior and i plan on taking 4 AP cles and anatomy and maybe physics. if i take all 6 cles and get straight A's that would put me at a 4.6 GPA but if i take the 4 AP cles by themselves i would have a 5.0 GPA. so what is more impressive for colleges a 5.0 GPA with only 4 cles or 5 cles with a 4.8 GPA or 6 cles that would put me at 4.6 GPA. what is more impressive for colleges GPA or schedule toughness? i also plan on joining Track and Field, football, step by step (comm. service), math club, and chess club
Is this behavior normal for a husband and parent?
Is it normal for a grown man to LOCK his wife out of his bedroom because he is in a bad mood? Is it normal for the husband to move into the house - take the wife's room, the wife takes the daughter's room, and the daughter is forced to sleep in the junk room? He does not work, but the wife is a teacher and wakes up early. He wants to stay up late and watch tv and sleep all day, so he won't adjust to her schedule and she needs to sleep at night so she can be rested for work. Is it normal for a grown man (although he has "made his money") to sleep 15 or so hours a day and watch tv the rest? He goes out of the house very infrequently. In the process he neglects his son, who has already been abandoned by his biological mother. Is this behavior normal? He is an intimidating man with a history of violence in the past. He is manipulative and extremely selfish. When he doesn't get his way, he turns into complete "mean", and he thinks that because he has money he has power. Please tell me what is normal and what is not. I'm tired of this situation (several years...).
What are the natural predators of Southeastern US songbirds?
hawks, and kestrals, kites, while they are on the ground...small mammals...and believe it or not, some frogs have been known to eat hummingbirds!
What is a good weight lifting exercise to strengthen the hip muscles (illiach muscle)?
I'm 43 years old and in great shape but its very difficult for me to lift my legs in the morning and put my sox on. What can I do to bolster the muscle that helps me with lifting my legs. thanx
MTV's Teen Mom question, please answer..?
i watched teen mom last night and i've been noticing that ryan (maci's BOYfriend) has something in his mouth, its not there all the time. does anyone know what the hell that bump is? looks kind of disgusting
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Do u like the short name Connie 4 me..?
I'm Cornelia..n I am going to ask 4 my friends to call me just Connie cause sometimes Cornelia's a bit too long and a nickname would be nice..what do u think..? (please don't tell me that I should get another nickname like Neely, Nelly or anything else: just write what you think when u meet someone named Connie.. thanx everybody =)
My sister ditched me for her boyfriend.jst cz i told hr he's nt the perfect guy for her.wt shud i do ?
v only hv our mthr.she's nt going to like this relationship.i dnt think my sis shud hurt my mum.This guy hs told me he wud hv gone out with me if he met me b4 my sis.he's rly strict om my sis.he tells bad abt my sis to me.wen i tel them to my sis she takes his syd and scolds me.she dnt undrstand tht i say things cz i luv hr.i dnt wnt anything bad hpning to her.she's only a year older than me.im tryin my bst to be the bst sis to hr.bt i get ditched evn for her frnds.i dnt mind her being mean to me but i dont want her to hurt my mum and i dnt wnt her to ruin her life.. please help me..
Good Vampire and or Werewolf Series?
I haven't read anymore vampire books, but I have read a new werewolf one I thought was really good. the series is called The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater It is a three book series About a werewolf who falls in love with a human, but it's different from others I have read. I highly recomend it.
Has anyone gotten past the gatherer part of the altador plot on neopets?
i just need some motivation because i cant seem to get the little ripped piece of wrapping on the purple non-cube to show up!!! I have tried so many times but i just can't seem to figure out how to get past that part! I KNOW THAT IT IS RANDOM, but if you could please just tell me if you have GOTTEN PAST this that would be great!!! THANKS!!!
Trade Jason Bartlett for Brian Fuentes?
I love this trade. Brian Fuentes has proven in past years to be a great closer and will be this you when all is said and done. Bartlett on the other hand was drafted in leagues rareely but then turned it on and everyone picked him up. He has not proven to ha power in the past and will not continue to hit at this .350 clip. My guess would be he ends the year batting in the low .300's or .290's with 10 HR.
I have recently upgraded from window 7 home premuim to windows 7 ultimate.... i couldn;t just upgrade so i had?
I have recently upgraded from window 7 home premuim to windows 7 ultimate.... i couldn;t just upgrade so i had to click custom install ....now i am unable to connect to my internet wirelessly... first it says that wireless is not enabled and then says it cant find any network interfaces... i have tryed wlan autoconfig and sfc/scannow ...how do i get my wifi working again?
Sai devotees - why Original Sai mantra OM Sai namoh namah ...... is reduced to Om Sai , Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai?
Both forms of mantra are same. It all depends upon the mental state and feelings of the devotee. For daily doing japa shorter form is preferred. Mantra sastra has definite guidelines on this. Single syllable "OM" is supposed to be more powerful of all the mantras. Intense love towards the God is more important than any mantra
Do I need a HID conversion kit?
I am wanting to use these headlights for my 2003 neon sxt, but i dont know what all i need to buy along with these headlights. Do they directly go into the old headlight plug? I need help, all the informaiton i can get. thanks http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/9007-HB5-HEADLIGHT-BULB-FOR-LOW-HIGH-BEAM-80W-100W_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZalgoQ3dLVIQ26ituQ3dUCIQ26otnQ3d4Q26poQ3dLVIQ26psQ3d63Q26clkidQ3d7185971662554959541QQ_trksidZp5197Q2em7QQcategoryZ36476QQitemZ290533579052
Why has Obama's ratings tanked after 11 months? Another first in Presidental history?
Because American's are fed up with the Communist in Chief's lies and agenda which has come to light!
How do I deal with a new girl in town?
Our roommate is getting a little more serious with the girl he's dating. How do I deal with her coming over all the time and throwing off our schedule/space etc. I guess I'm territorial lol but she's a great girl we've met a few times its just weird seeing as he only lives with us for a measly $100 to help him out so its our house. Anyway I'm being a brat right? I just don't know how to work with it all.
Is my friend "acting up" because i don't go to her birthday parties? She's 27...?
There is no reason for you to keep this friendship going. When your mom gets out of the hospital, you should visit this so-called friend and go over what you describe here. She owes you an apology, and if she doesn't offer one right away, leave. Block her from texting you or e-mailing you. Take her off your Facebook page.
Hotels in NYC, a comparison?
In your opinion, which is better? We are trying to decide on the W, Marriott or Renaissance in Times Square. Which is better for 4 females? We are doing shopping, sightseeing and broadway. Price isn't really an issue. Are there any other hotels in a similar price-range/quality range that you could recommend?
Is Hell more interesting than Heaven?
It seems to me that people know more of Hell than of Heaven. Ask someone to describe Hell and you get a lengthy answer often painting a vivid image of eternal punishment similar to that found in Dante's Divine Comedy. But why is it when I ask someone to describe Heaven I get a vague answer and I'm left with a blank mental picture? Im not looking for any affirmations or statements discounting the existence of Hell and Heaven, just for why people seem so much more infatuated with Hell.
Why Can't Liberals Undertstand Islam Intends To Subjugate the World?
Liberals live in the perfect world's within their own minds where there is a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow and a rainbow for each rain drop that falls. Where all Muslims are moderates and everyone egalitarian. Wouldn't it be great if the real world was that way? Obviously, it is not. However, and unfortunately, the liberals don't dare let the realities of the real world cloud their 'judgements' (they don't really make judgements -- they have preconceived ideas only) or their rhetoric and the rest of us must live with them and their ridiculous tendencies even while trying to make the world as pleasant and just for all as is possible.
Am i wasting my potential? if so what job should i do?
I think you should take your education as far as you can, you can be a joiner but when you've finished and then you always have something to fall back on, money isn't everything remember you need to be happy in what you do and if your pion is for joinery then thats where you should be. You could do joinery in your spare time alongside educating yourself.
I DONT want to go back to highshool !!!?
If things go as "planned" ill be going to my 5th highschool . which i reallly dont want to do ! im tired of starting over ! any suggestions ? do i have any options then finishing my senor year???
My jaw constantly clicks whenever i open my mouth?
about 3years ago i had braces for about a year, and 4 teeth pulled out, when i got my braces off my jaw constantly clicked whenever i open my mouth, and its really annoying, is it lob sided or something how can i stop it.. and also, the other day it clicked and now the right side of my jaw really hurts like its been punched or something its been like this for a couple of days..what do i do? will it ever go away
Is there a tinted lip balm with lasting color?
I'm new to make up and I bought Burt's Bee's tinted lip balm in hibiscus (sp??) It feels great, but the color doesn't last like 5 min! LOL What kind of other tinted lip balms are there that the color lasts longer?
I want to know any Native American words for feisty?
Any Native American Indian words for feisty, my puppy is very feisty but, I don't want to name her feisty and the n.a.'s has such a beautiful launage.
Could my prismacolor pencils be bad?
I bought some of these expensive pencils and I've tried three different sharpeners on them and the color center keeps breaking on many of them. Any tips? Should I take them back? I got them at Michael's.
Why is B.E.T so stupid?
i've never seen one program about african americans going to college, advice on furthering education, eating healthy, traveling the world..good movies with denzel washington or forrest witaker, just pure ghettoness.
What do you do if a family member has a collection you do not want?
what happens when a relative dies and they have a collection of some random stuff like teapots for example if no one wants the items what should you do with them donations, throw them out what is your thoughts on this
Is this a good opening for chapter 1?
You have great descriptive juicy words, but other than that, I don't like the plot line. Keep working on it. [:
What can you get with 1 unit in different currencies around the world?
with one euro in Greece you could buy a pack of gum, or a chocolate bar, or a bottle of water or a soda, or a pack of the REALLY REALLY cheap horrible cigarettes.
Im I Getting Fat ? Answer Please :)?
First you need to relax. Second if they are ABERCROMBIE WELL I AM VERY SORRY. Third tell your parent s to confie all sweets in your house get all things containing sugar out of your reach. Check the web for an exercise program, try running one or 2 miles every day, dont spend hours watching tv because it increases fat in the body not the tv the sitting down and doing nothing, dont take naps or sleep if its not bedtime or stuff like. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Play more sports. If u like video games like me (dont give it up if u love it cuz there are some like me and maybe you that cant live without it). Try joining a local gym most of all stay away from the sweet stuff. IN life almost everything good is either illegal, immoral or fattening (i dont know what immoral means so dont be a hater). Hope you lose da fat and trust me its not the end of the world cuz there are fatter people than you so just exercise and you'll be fine. Ps. If the abercrombie jeans have shrunk and you dont ahave a smaller (size) sibling just give t away to a good friend dont be greedy. Pps. if you dont feel that you are too skinny then dont gain weight but if you do your gonna have 2 grow another sweet tooth and be prepared for a visit to the dentist
If God has a plan for you, then how can you ert that you have free will?
God does have a plan and you do have free will. Just because God has a plan doesn't mean that everything is set in stone as to how it will happen.
Is my friend going to ditch me?
That question isn't sure to be answered correctly, but the truth is, if he's your friend, would he ditch you?
Monday, August 8, 2011
What is the best way to store TV shows recorded in HD by Windows Media Center?
Yes, just buy a NAS (network attached storage). You can use it as a backup server or even as a media server.
Coul I be a competitive gymnast?
defiantly right now you sound like a level 3. level 3 can compete but there aren't very many meets. level 4 is when you get to start competing a lot and if you are serious about it i sure you could be a level 4 in no time
A man breaks into your house and you accidently kill him... should u be charged with murder?
it is 2 in the morning and you hear sounds in your basement. you go downstairs and see the guy, he doesnt see you. You call the cops and go back in the basement. for some reason, you decide to scare the guy. You throw a baseball your grandpas huge clock. a wood chips off the clock and stabs the theif in the throat. you rush down to help the guy. The ambulance comes and he is rushed to the hospital. the theif dies of suffocation... should man be penalized and charged with murder?
What oil does a 1995 Polaris scrambler 400 4x2 take?
Go to your local motorcycle shop, they have oil changing kits for all Polaris Models, but be sure to tell your parts salesman that its a scrambler, he should get you a box that contains an oil filter and 2 quarts of oil directly from Polaris.
There's not a single living breathing environmentalist in America?
This Gulf oil disaster, the worst environmental disaster in history has one bright spot, the debunking that any environmentalists exist in America. Not one picture of a tree-hugger, dolphin-hugger or anyone who gives a crap about the destruction of a major part of America has been shown. The silence from the Greenpeace anarchists and all the other "environment" groups has been deafening. They were bought and paid for shills to big businesses. In fact America has, after day 81, proven it doesn't have a single "environmentalist"? Or maybe you have a picture of someone who gives a dang about the environment....NOT.
Help with USCIS, I aplied for a Honduran TPS (temporary Protected Status) they send me a?
I aplied on october 2009, and they just send me a letter requesting evidence, they say that I send a copie of my pport issued on 2007, and I need to tell them that I coud not get it before 'cause I was under age, and also they want me send them evidence that I habe been here in the U.S since 1999, and I was born in 1988, so in 1999, I was 11 years old, so I do not have anything to prove that I've been here since then, and as you can see I am not good with this, it is going to be hard for me to white them a letter and explaint, so if anybody know what can I do, I will really really aprecciate it, thank you in advance for taking your time helping me!
When exactly is sam mitchell (daniella westbrook) returning to eastenders?
They are currently filming her scenes and we are around 6 weeks behind filming so in around late August or so.
What is a kuo or cu or koo, something todo with government and its bad apparently?
That's a coup; French for stroke. It means to seize control of the government and set up another one. We're not talking elections here, just an outright takeover.
Hi everyone well basically its a loong story im 21years old going tobe 22 in oct ans im half paki half english i was born in london but i come to breaking point i have actually liturally gone man.Ive had enough they dont allow me out of the house by myself and they told me if you want to go out you only have to go out with us or your brothere sister im trapped.I cnt even go to the corner shop without going with sum1.And if i go out with my sister then we have to be bak at 45 max.And if i come bak late say 8 or 9 i get beaten up or threatened at home that you are a ***** no one will marry you and if u come bak late u can pack your bags and leave.Recently i had run away twice from my home and i didnt tell them and they called the police and they said im acting immature and maybe i got a phycological problem but i dont why doesnt anyone understand the only reason why i do this is becuase i cant taki living at home jst being stk watching tv whole day i mean i also feel like going out clubs cinemas with frnds here and there but i cant i have to take my parents or bro and sis.I also love my bf soo much that i havnt met him in 1mnth becuase my parents r not allowing me to go anywhere and he liturally begs me him to see him now.Every night we talk 12 till 5 in da morin on webcam thats how much we miss eachother i loove him soo much all ican do is just cry.He was meant to meet me today and 2clk and i told him ill *** and now my dads not letting me go no where and hes probally waiting there 4 me and i dnt even have a phone to contact him.They tell me is cz they dont trust me but look im young ok ive had bfs in the past ive messed around snuk out to go parties but im young we all do mistakes like this and hes cought me out having bfs so what does that mean im a ***** im a no it doesnt.I get slapped beaten up if i dnt listen my brother calls me a looser.My sister acts like a fuking child shes 20 and if u ask her to help u with something she starts crying or she tells my dad everything cz she a little kid.Im really missing my bf i loove him soo mch i dont want to leave him i dont but how cn he be wid me if i never meet him.I just want to move out but they r not letting me cz ill be discrased in the family.I really need help on what to do i dont want to live this life i mean does anyone think im right or wrong??
Our First Daughter's Name?
Ronja is very unusual and takes getting use to. But it's your child so I hope to grows up to love her name. Good luck.
Can you think of characters that fit this theme?
I'm looking for types of characters that fit horror themes (like vampires, Jekyll and Hyde, priests, etc.). I don't mean specific characters (like Michael Myers), I mean type of characters (like mad scientists, or werewolf).
How much kickbacks did Obama give Kucinich when he visited Ohio on Monday for him to have changed his vote?
Day after Obama visits Ohio, Kucinich is suddenly in favor of health reform. How much did it take to purchase Ohio?
Tell me about some best universities offering on line HRM degree?
i am on job in Pakistan and want to get degree in HRM online from some reputed university while living in Pakistan. Please consider the cost of the degree so that i can make comparison.
Ate Bagels, Now I don't feel too good.?
The best thing to settle your stomach is Vernor's ginger ale,try it with some saltine crackers and maybe some soup.The ginger has very soothing qualities in it and has been used for centuries to help with stomach problems,for your headache you should get yourself some Migraine Excedrin,works like a charm every time.Hope this helps you out and feel better soon!
A good boook for a 17 year old girl?
The Perfect Books for you are Lorlene McDaniels books. They are all about death, cancer, friends and family dying and I guarantee you Will be crying at the end of everysingle one you read. I'm really sorry about your friend.
Protest, despair, detachment?
protest, despair, detachment, apart from being signs of short-term deprivation, can it be used for other purposes, such as giving up for unachieved goals, etc??
How can I defend myself and my dog from attacks from dangerous dogs?
Pepper Spray is illegal, Vinegar, however, isn't, and sprayed into eyes is almost as effective. Put it in a small plant mister, and you can have it on spray, or jet. Jet is probably better. And it won't seriously injure the dog, but it will stop it, I promise you.
Pain in ovaries, sore , etc..?
Ok so I had protected on the third of July, a day before my period.. My period started July 4th. According to my period tracker iPhone app, I was ovulating on the 18th which is when we had again. Protected. I'm not saying I'm pregnant but I don't know if that information is important. Anywho, I had lower back pains, and my left ovary was hurting and now I feel it on the right ovary. My are sore. I also feel like I have pressure on my lower abdomen. Yesterday I felt kind of woozy. Like I would look at the computer or the floor and it felt like it was spinning a little bit LOL I'm just wondering if these things are normal during ovulation.. Maybe I hadn't noticed before because I never knew when I was ovulating and now that I have the app I do know. I'm basically have pms symptoms but I just had my period on the fourth and should not be expecting it until August.. so what's going on? I think I have ovary cysts because when I went for a check up around two years ago, the doctor said he felt my left ovary strange or something, and sent me to get it checked but my mother never took me. I'm 18 years old now, dependent of myself and haven't been to the doctor since so I am trying to figure out if it's important to get this checked. I am trying to get insurance as well.. My mom says the ovary cysts isn't a big deal but she's talks about crap she doesn't know.
Mexico Vs. North Korea, what are your thoughts?
we played pretty good; in the first half, i like how medina, rojas, and dos santos stepped it up and overwhelmed the korean defense. I have no idea why they took out kevin rojas; he was playing so good. Chicharito had two shots in the first half, but he missed them, so i was like aw, but he redeemed himself by helping us win the game. The second half was better, both for the mexican team and the korean team. Good for us because we scored two golazos by cuah and chicharito, but bad for us because we got scored on by a lousy kick. Ochoa la cago seriously, but i mean what can you do? It wasn't his game. Anyway, congrats to all the players, and victory for us!
Should i be feeling guilty? please help!?
I've had my splurge days too. However, you don't need to worry too much. Part of your feeling are probably because of your hormones temporarily being out of whack. Also, at your age, your body releases Human Growth Hormone, which is why most high school kids you see are skinny. You really don't have anything to worry about.
I could not clear CA-CPT xam now m not interested in doin CA.Is CS a good option?
i have already missed 1 yr. & dont want 2 miss more time..plz HELP.........!! i am in f.y.b.com ryt now n had given cpt in june2010...
Why are somalians hijacking ships?
Somalia doesnt even have a formal government. They are living in the "wild wild west" really. They hope to am enough stuff to trade sell and smuggle to others for money. They are a society of "warlords" and gangs. The BBc has good history articles behind breaking news stories.
Could i be pregnant?
i have been trying to get pregnant for over 6mths now my last period was on the 26th april.I have worked out that i have a 30day cycle and we had on the sat 10th and sun 11th of may. On the wednesday 14th i had lower pains followed by having watery clear discharge and feeling very wet. on saturday the 24 just before my period is due I have also been having sharp pains on and off on one side mainly. i have been going to the toliet more often even though not drinking much to. Apart from that i have like a constant ach on and off and feel like twitching or throbbing movement down low. did a pregnacey test this afternoon and it was neg. i can also my body tem rise with a hot flush now and agin to. So could i be pregnant or is period coming. what do you think about my syptoms.
Is ATI Career Training Center a good school to attend to become a Dental istant?
I was going to go to ACT College but all of their campuses ar not in texas and that's where i live, in mesquite/garland area. I was wondering if anyone knew the next best place to attend for Dental isting in my area. Please, Accredited schools only. Thank u for your help.
Which English colony (later a state) was used as a penal colony?
This is a question on my history homework, and I cannot find the answer online/in my book/in my notes. Thanks!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Not letting me cancel a pending neighbor request on farmville?
Yes, Ive gotten addicted to FV and wanna add neighbors but I cant! cause someone is glitched on my pending list with 0 level, achievements, neighbors etc with a question mark for an avatar, And no matter how many times I click cancel request it does not allow me to cancel and it remains there as pending. Help :?
Wrist Tattoo (Beatles/DR Seuss)?
It would be cool to get a Dr. Suess sleeve on your arm with the crazy designs and colors. as to the beatles i would get either lyrics from yesterday that song is so beautiful even though im not a beatles fan.
Some computer specification confusion!!?
Haha, you definitely don't need a Black Edition Phenom for browsing the web. There's a lot more hardware there than you really need, but if that doesn't bother you then go for it.
What's up with the G-Rated Disney Films?
these were made a long time ago and when kids see it they arnt going to think its bad!!plus its animated characters not real people
Does anyone know where I can find a Marc Jacobs Dr. Q Hillier Hobo online?
I check a bunch of additional sites that I know of eluxury.com, piperlime.com etc.... (at least 5 others) and it is sold out everywhere.
For serious,sensitive guys only!?
I know how you feel I have the exact experience with this girl I like right now, He knows you like him so just probably give him time with the girl he likes things aren't always set in stone and over time he might see how caring you really are about him. Im not going to lie, but if a girl told me she loved me and we had the exact relationship as you and the boy you like it will feel really awkward knowing that he likes you as a friend and not to mention how to express those feelings to him. Don't forget he's only 14 right now, you have to remember he doesnt even know what he wants at the moment let alone even know what love is. As hard as it is falling for this kid paitience is your best bet, better boys will come along and Good Luck.
Is it possible for a writer to overuse commas?
I have been afraid to use them ever since I took a college writing course as a freshman years ago. My professor and I were going over one of my papers in his office and he said to me a few times, "Why did you use a comma here?" Would a paper come off as more clear, concise, and compelling if you use proper grammar, but keep punctuation (such as commas) to a minimum? Is it possible to write a complex sentence without using commas and semicolons?
How do you get the smell of vomit out of the carpet?
Erm try that Febreeze Fabric Freshner thing. And if it doesnt work.. complain. Request something more efficient, something with more chemicals that'll damage the **** out of the carpet- but hey, it'll get the smell out:)
Psych experiment...PLEEEEAAASE RESPOND!!!?
If she's living her dream ("planned to have no children") - she must be happy, fulfilled, and rewarded.
Whos better evolution or dx?
ps.. couch potatoe for your comment earlier i will beat you so bad that your mom will stop coming over and giving me bjs.even thou she likes my so much.U WERE WARNED BIAATCH
Prom dress opinions needed!?
I love the last one! It would give you great support. I wouldn't get a strapless dress because they give no support and if you trying to make the most of your ets strapless is not the way to go (unless you can pull them off! I don't know!) Also the 1st dress would be slimming because it's in black! If you could get the last dress in black that would be perfect!!
How to I empty my flash drive?
I want to save and download ome informations, but it says that my flash drive is full. I want to find out how can I empty it. I did remove most doents to trash and I see that my flash drive does not have much, however, it still says that it is full.
Traveling Abroad and wanting to Mail Hygiene and Bath Items Ahead of time Internationally Need HELP!?
as a ebay powerseller, I ship all over the world its cheapest to mail these usps flat rate priority if the weight is under 4 pounds you can mail first cl but Usa to japan takes a LONG time so ship flat rate its cheaper and quicker and you have tracking or you can take it in your suitcase just not your carry on and avoid shipping all together
Tall thin runners or short stubby runners are better?
I was curious because I see tall thin runners such as Robert Kipkoech Cheryiuot do awesome things, such as win the B.A.A. 4 times. But then I see a short and relatively stubby runner like Joan Benoit, who won the 1984 Olympic Marathon and has been running competetively for 5 decades. So which one is better? Or is there no perfect body for a runner?
Halloween Prep. 106: Millions of rats have surrounded your house or apartment, looking to get in and gnaw you?
Will they get in? Or will they nibble on orted neighbors and utility company employees as you huddle in your stronghold eating leftovers? Can you hide from them indefinitely or otherwise escape? How?
Help designing a wearable paper dress?
I don't know much about sewing but I used a product on clothe once called Stitch Witchery (SP?) in lieu of sewing. It was a heat activated adhesive tape, using an iron. You would have to be careful to not dry out the paper,or even burn it in the process. A friend in grad school made dresses and mens suits using clear plastic painter's drop clothes which she painted her patterns on. She used adhesive tapes to join the pieces together. She had a fashion show that was pretty funny. I would go with using patterns just to eliminate any guess work. Sounds interesting, good luck and have fun.
Choices for saturday night's nationwide race?
I will of course be rooting for Hr., but I'd also love to see I'd love to see Ragan or Reutimann win. Biffle too. And Harvick if he's driving the KHI car.
RE: ? asked earlier-What day of the week is tomorrow?
Tomorrow is when we intend doing everything we procrastinated doing. It is the day of reckoning as judgment day. it is the day everyone who has ever lived will stop laughing in derision and become as serious as the proverbial judge. It is the day every knee will bow, every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord. Do it now because life here becomes better and eternity infinitely better!!! Don't wait, Please?
Low back and hip pain?
I am 21 years old and have recently been having some awful problems with my lower back and hip. Particularly, my right lower back (I think the lumbar area?) has been painful and full of knotted tense muscles...and then I have some pretty morderate pain in my left hip, which is worse when I walk and more toward my back than the front of my body. This pain has been getting somewhat worse over the past month, and nothing I've tried seems to help. I have tried ice/heat, epsom salt soaks, rest, ibuprofen, and herbal/homepathic medicines as well (Arnica Montana and Glucosamine Sulfate MSM). I have not fallen or otherwise hurt myself, what do you think this could be and what should I do to feel better? I have had 2 abdominal surgeries (exploratory laparotomy 2004 and right flank hernia repair 2006) and that's bascially it, until this pain started. Any advice or help is appreciated.
Abercrombie Song (Jason Mraz)?!!?
I heard the most amazing song today (July 27) in abercrombie and it sounded like Jason Mraz but I can't find it. (It's not wordplay, too much food, or sleep all day).. Does anyone have the track listing for July 2008? I need this song to complete my life.
If you could time travel w/o changing history or being harmed, where and when in time do you most want to go?
I would have liked to go back to the times just before the end of WW 2 and ask the soldiers who were to drop the atomic bombs if they had any inclinations that they would be killing a lot of people especially women and children and enter us in an age where our security would always be compromised by the threat of nuclear annihilation . But also that their actions would enter us into the Nuclear Age
Saturday, August 6, 2011
My friend got hired at the job I wanted to work at. What should I do?
I applied at a cell phone store in town to work in. I've been trying to get an interview with them, but they've been very neglectful on their resumes. My friend recently got a job at a salon, but only works there for 10 hours a week, so today she went in to the same phone store I applied in, got an interview and job on the spot! I know I told her about wanting to work there. Now I have to find another job elsewhere and I'm really upset. How do I tell her how I feel?
What is a good idea for a Dr.Seuss story?
For reading cl i have to write a ten page Dr.Seuss story?? I need ideas bad!!! 5 lines per page and it has to rhyme. SO PLEASE HELP!!! I NEED IDEAS!!!! THANKS!!
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